Thursday 30 September 2010

The necessaries

Right, here are the most necessary recent facts.
I left my old job, which I loved but was, shall we say, slightly precarious (the company, not my position within it) a few weeks ago to start a new job, which also meant moving house. So within 3 days, I'd up sticks to the other side of town and started a new job I basically have no idea how to do. Fun eh?

The other fun part is I get married in 4 weeks and 2 days. Not that I'm counting.
It has been a bit of a nightmare, I thought having a simple, non-churchie wedding would make life easier (not to mention the whole thing a lot cheaper). Boy was I wrong.
So at the moment I swing violently in between a vision of calm (I am generally a very well organised person, although I hate paperwork), to being an absolute gibbering wreck. today seems to be one of the better days.
Hubby-to-be is off on his 'stag do', hence why I might be feeling somewhat calmer. He is not massively helpful and treats the whole thing like arranging a Friday night drink with his mates. Being a man, he will turn up, have a lovely meal (Theo Randall's doncha know), drink a lot and then enjoy the very nice honeymoon at the end. All without one clue of the huge amount of time, effort and money it has taken to get to that point.

Ahhhh, to be a man. Life would be much easier.

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