Monday 14 November 2011

One Year On

I cannot believe that was a year ago. And I'm supposed to be considering a career based around a blog? I seriously need a slap.
In my defence, I am generally rather rubbish at anything technical. But I promise to try harder and actually learn all about this. It's just finding the time right?
Anyway, work sucks even more. I don't think I've ever regretted a decision as much as I regret leaving my previous job and coming to this one. I knew it wasn't right for me, but I was painted into a corner with little or no options. And I've hated it since day one.
But life moves on. SO and I have just celebrated our first anniversary (with a rather expensive meal at a top London restaurant - won't be doing that every year). It's been a tough year, SO and I have been through a lot. But he's seeing a counsellor now, things seem better. Let's hope it's a sign of things to come.

Right now we have a few these lined up, one of which is a holiday to Thailand in February (yay) and a serious spinal operation for me (boo). But having lived with a slipped disc for 5+ years, I'm just glad it's finally getting sorted out. Scary yes, but fingers crossed it means the rest of my life can be mine again.

Anyway, I won't try and cram a year into one post, but safe to say, I'm going to try and cover important things in the coming weeks.

And if all else fails, Christmas is on it's way and that can only be fun.

Hugs and sloppies.