Monday 14 November 2011

One Year On

I cannot believe that was a year ago. And I'm supposed to be considering a career based around a blog? I seriously need a slap.
In my defence, I am generally rather rubbish at anything technical. But I promise to try harder and actually learn all about this. It's just finding the time right?
Anyway, work sucks even more. I don't think I've ever regretted a decision as much as I regret leaving my previous job and coming to this one. I knew it wasn't right for me, but I was painted into a corner with little or no options. And I've hated it since day one.
But life moves on. SO and I have just celebrated our first anniversary (with a rather expensive meal at a top London restaurant - won't be doing that every year). It's been a tough year, SO and I have been through a lot. But he's seeing a counsellor now, things seem better. Let's hope it's a sign of things to come.

Right now we have a few these lined up, one of which is a holiday to Thailand in February (yay) and a serious spinal operation for me (boo). But having lived with a slipped disc for 5+ years, I'm just glad it's finally getting sorted out. Scary yes, but fingers crossed it means the rest of my life can be mine again.

Anyway, I won't try and cram a year into one post, but safe to say, I'm going to try and cover important things in the coming weeks.

And if all else fails, Christmas is on it's way and that can only be fun.

Hugs and sloppies.

Saturday 6 November 2010

A day of slobbing

Yesterday was awful. Got the call we'd been dreading, our flight to St Lucia for the honeymoon had been cancelled. Well I say call, Virgin chose to ruin my day by text. How charming of them.
Anyway,we went through everything from cancelling the whole thing, to trying to decide on an alternative destination or just moving the dates. Moving the dates didn't end up as a viable option as America selfishly decided to have Thanksgiving, which trebled the cost of everything.
The worst part is that the flight it actually going ahead, Virign are flying the plane out, but they're flying it empty. No one seems to be able to tell me the wise thinking behind this ridiculous decision. The St Luciean government is happy for people to begin travelling there again.
Anyway, I never thought I'd say this but in the end we were saved by British Airways. They ar flying and we could have still gone on Sunday. But we decided to delay the start until Tuesday, give St Lucia time to sort some more bits out. It sounds like most of the island has power now, but water supply is still an issue. But the north of the island sounds like it escaped relatively unscathed, and our hotel says they sustained no damage. So fingers crossed, we'll still have a fantastic holiday.
So anyway, after the stress of yesterday, Mum came over to collect the cats and we went out for dinner and had a few (million) glasses of wine. So today has been spent eating junk and lying around in our own filth. Lovely.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Saturday 2 October 2010


Can someone please explain to me why a tailor cannot make a shirt in 4 weeks? What a load of crap.
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Friday 1 October 2010


So, I was up early this morning as i've got a meeting in Swindon. It starts at 9.30am and the big boss is coming. I'm catching a ride with him but no sign of him, so we're going to be late. I hate being late.
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Thursday 30 September 2010

To run or not to run?

Actually that's no question at all. I haven't done any exercise at all since a brief swim on Sunday, so I really must run tonight. I really wanted to last night but it was far too rainy.
Don't suppose skinning 3 bottles of wine between me and Ben in the pub counts as physical exercise does it?

Testing, testing!

Wow, big day. Seeing if I can blog from my phone. Got myself an Android and everything!
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